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Life's Circle by Dale Leavitt

Dale Leavitt

If you had told me four months ago that I would be an author of two short stories, self-published on Amazon, I would have laughed at you and said what are you smoking?

Writing has always been something I have wanted to do but, just did not think I was educated enough to accomplish the task. Let alone the fact that I have never been able to read a book in its entirety. For me, it was just too hard to follow the story line. Meaning, I would start reading, and within a minimal amount of pages, I would lose interest due to too much info and explanations. Guess my attention span needs some work.

Author Dale Leavitt - This is a title I never thought I would have!!!!

One day, browsing the internet I stumbled upon a blog explaining that if you want to write than to just do it. The blog encouraged people to not worry about having proper grammar, punctuation, etc. It focused on the fact that all you need is an idea and then you can expand on it whether it be via a blog, social media, or even a book.

Having dabbled in a little sports writing online for an unknown website, lol. I learned that I had a skill for writing stories. Still struggling though, with structure, and proper punctuation, I ran across a site at This site helped with the structuring of sentences, punctuation, and more. Having found Grammarly was like getting a shot of encouragement, to start writing again. My idea was to start a blog about something I was passionate about, bad drivers, lol. I quickly learned that I had a lot to say and the blog turned into a short story called “Unconscious Driving” with approximately 12,000 words.

As I was writing, It dawned on me that others might want to read about my knowledge and experience about driving. Doing a little research, I found Amazon’s KDP. With their free service, now I could see if others could relate to my writing. That excitement was short-lived as the only copies that sold were to friends and family :(.

The fact that the book did not sell and I did not get any feedback whatsoever on my writing did not deter me though. I had all of these book ideas in my head, and instead of tapping out, I decided to continue with this venture. Within two months I had completed the short story “The Roar of The Dauntless.” Being my first fiction short story with about 17,000 words. Most of my writing contains a small amount of dialogue and very little meaningless explaining. Right now, it’s all about action baby, lol.

Writing this book was exhilarating, exciting, meaningful, a learning experience, and mentally stimulating all in one basket. Learning more and more about writing as I go. I could only hope that people can relate to my writing and stories as I purely enjoy doing it. Swing on by and follow my progression in writing by checking out my first book in the series “The Roar of The Dauntless.”

You can learn more about me and my books at the links below.




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